Wednesday 9 October 2013

Cherry Blossom

Sakura is a Japanese name which means cherry blossom. Cherry Blossom is the Japan's unofficial national flower. The Cherry blossom holds a very prominent position in Japanese Culture because it has been celebrated for many centuries. In Japan, there are many different varieties of cherry blossoms. Most of the cherry blossoms are blooming in spring season or spring days.The Japanese people will celebrate the annual of cherry blossom blossom season which also known as Hanami. 

Hanami is Japan's unique way of flowers, spring cherry blossom season commenced whenever the occasion, people will cluster around the cherry blossoms are in, sit-down pink and flower trees, toast singing, laughing spring, enjoy capturing blooming spring. The Japanese flowering cherry approximately fifty days, but each region only from flowers to flowers fade seven to ten days. Japanese government each year on March 15 - April 15 as "Cherry Blossom Festival (festival)." The Japan Meteorological Agency will publish an annual cherry blossom forecast dates for "Sakura front" because Spring cherry blossom is one of Japan's tradition.
Picture of Cherry Blossom blooms and falling petals
Cherry blossoms bloom in April, followed by bloom from south to north, the earliest can watch the cherry blossoms are Okinawa and the most belated cherry is the coldest in Japan which are Hokkaido.It bloom flowers in the parks and streets can smell the faint at the flowers and you can also enjoy the red, pink and white cherry blossoms. Each time, large and small are held throughout Japan, "Cherry Blossom Festival". Friends and family sitting out under the cherry trees to eat which they prepare their lunch boxes, drinking champagne or sake, laughing. Flowers crowd either know or do not know will nod hello from time to time and even exchanged food.Cherry blossom flower as it is to let everyone have a real "Family Day" and "Friendship Day". Some of the companies will viewing cherry blossoms as a the company's "designated projects". In Japan, Cherry blossoms was undoubtedly the most interesting places Hakone it. In this scenic tourist destination where you can not only admire the cherry blossoms while the hot springs while also overlooking the quiet and beautiful Mt. Fuji.

Picture of Japanese People with their friends and family sit under the Cherry Blossom tree to celebrate the "Cherry Blossom Festival" known as Hanami.
Picture of large and small are held "Cherry Blossom Festival" throughout Japan.
Picture of Cherry Blossom at Mt Fuji.
The Cherry blossom tree is a truly a sight to behold, especially when it is in full riotous bloom. Some of the cherry blossom will produce actual cherries. While most of cherry blossom will also produce flowering branches full of the small pinkish-hued flowers.
Picture of Cherry Blossom
The significance of the cherry blossom tree in Japanese culture have more than hundred of years history. The Cherry blossom are represents the fragility and the beauty of life in Japan. It means the life is almost overwhelmingly beautiful but that it is also tragically short. Example,When the cherry blossom trees bloom for a short time each year in brilliant force, they serve as a visual reminder of how precious and how precarious life is. Then, when Japanese people come together to view the cherry blossom trees and marvel at their beauty, they aren't just thinking about the flowers. They also must think about the larger meaning and deep cultural tradition the cherry blossom tree. Cherry blossoms in modern Japan by the Japanese as a symbol of the spirit.

Cherry blossoms in Japan represents one thing because it is a symbol of love and hope. According to legend a long time ago, in Japan there was a man named "Ye Ji wooden flowers" which is meaning cherry fairy. She will be a symbol of love and hope flowers Sabian every corner from Okinawa pass through Kyushu, Kansai, Kanto and other places and the second year in May to reach Hokkaido. To commemorate the fairies, the locals give this flower named "Sakura" and Japan has thus become "Sakura of the country."

Flower language of different types of Cherry Blossom :

  1. Sakura: life, happiness for life and never give up, the fate of the law is the cycle
  2. Yamazakura: smiling at you, the spirit of America
  3. Western cherry: good education
  4. Winter cherry: the mysterious Orient
  5. Double cherry blossom: quiet
  6. Cherry Hill: pure / noble / weak


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